Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Drop the shield, pick up a huge massive crazy looking axe that kills people!

So I've decided to do some major PvP, Aleks needs some PvP gear badly. I started out by researching some fury specs and went with the cookie cutter PvP build, however I think today I will try out the Arms tree. PvP is pretty enjoyable, I just target the squishies and most of the time they die. Running a that sweet PvP group last night with Wichita, Daro, Blue, Des was awesome. I racked up about 4k and nice marks from our runs. Although I always get smacked around by those damn elemental shamans with that chain lightning! Ouch!

Once I get my resilience up from its depressing 148, I'll be able to take some hits and hopefully dish some out as well. I know most Arms warriors use the 2handed sword but like a noob I always have had a soft spot for pole arms. So hopefully today I'll finally get to use that Glaive of the Pit that dropped from Mag Fire Crotch. Any who this is going to be a fairly short entry, I should go check the World of Warcrack realm status page to see if I can start PvPing woot woot.


Unknown said...

Its me again (Dario)here are a couple of links that can help you find the best PVP specs for an Arms warrior.

this is the least of top ranked arena warriors you can get their specs through this site (http://www.sk-gaming.com/arena/5/all/warrior/all/all/)

And this one has some good strategies for arenas and specs (http://www.arenajunkies.com/talents/warrior/)

And this is the cookies cutter spec i use (http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/warrior/talents.html?050050113320105220012005500013100521203000000000000000000000000000#none)

Alex said...

Thanks Dario!!! These links are great!