Friday, October 10, 2008

WotLK on the horizon.

With the patch closing in on everyone in less then 5 days, it beginning to make our blood boil with anticipation! I cannot wait to get a new freakin' haircut! Aleks will no longer have to hide his face behind a large piece of metal! Think of it as a remake to the classic The Man in the Iron Mask, except much more interesting :). Oh ya I almost forgot, the new talents! Now this is a big one, everyone talents are being refunded to implement the changes to the classes and talent trees. I'm a very excited about the Protection Tree, it looks polished enough and at 80 I hope it will really shine its brightest. And thank you Blizzard for actually moving Imp. Thunder clap to the protection tree haha, bought freakin' time! Im really hoping Heroes gets to venture into ZA to test out everyones abilities. It will definitely be a night of ," Whoa! WTF was that?" followed by many "lol's".

As I mentioned this patch pretty much marks a month before WotLK hits the stores, so thats only one more month I have to reach my precious gold goal for the new Traveler's Tundra Mammoth. I'm currently half way there, so I figure one more month of hardcore dailys should get me a decent amount. And then I have to worry about leveling 10 levels which will also yield precious moneyz, so all in all i think I'll have my new mammoth mount by Christmas! Mwahahah!

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