Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Last minute goals.

Well Wrath of the Lich King is only a couple more days away! I'm terribly excited, so much so it's affecting my real life lol. My friends think I'm obsessed, but who cares really? I will be treading through a traitorous new wilderness full of obstacles of great power and knowledge! My friends will be sitting at home doing no such thing. Therefore I win. :)

Goals-Last minute, it makes it better if I make a list...lol

1. Get as much gold as possible before Thursday. 4.6k left.
2. Finish leveling Fishing to 375 before Thursday.
3. Get more then 10 quests completed before Thursday.
4.Grind honor.

Woot I cannot wait to get my hands on WotLK. I've decided I'm going to be starting off in the Borean Tundra and move to the Howling Fjords then after that its any ones choice really. I know some people are hating the fact that we have to go back to leveling, but I absolutely cannot wait to have something other than dailys and BGs to do! Wooooot Nothrend here I come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your web is great!! I learned something about WOW here!!!!